Am 25. August 2021 wurde Homayoun Sabetara, ein aus dem Iran geflohener Migrant, von der griechischen Polizei festgenommen, nachdem er ein Auto über die türkisch-griechische Grenze gefahren hatte. In einem unfairen Verfahren wurde Homayoun Sabetara am 26. September 2022 wegen “Menschenschmuggels” zu 18 Jahren Haft verurteilt. Am Abfahrtsort nahe der türkisch-griechischen Grenze, wurde er unter Druck gesetzt, das Steuer zu übernehmen, wobei er sieben weitere Personen transportieren musste. Seit seiner Verhaftung im August 2021 sitzt er im Gefängnis in Griechenland. Zum Zeitpunkt seiner Flucht aus dem Iran hatte Homayoun Sabetara keine legale und sichere Möglichkeit, nach Deutschland zu gelangen, wo seine Kinder leben. Am 22. April 2024 fand die erste Anhörung zum Berufungsverfahren statt. Der Berufungsprozess wurde auf den 24. September 2024 vertagt. Dort wurde seine Strafe auf 7 Jahre und 4 Monate reduziert, sodass er aus der Haft entlassen wird.
Wir fordern den Freispruch von Homayoun Sabetara,
sowie aller Migrant*innen, die wegen 'Schmuggel' kriminalisiert werden.
[Thessaloniki, 25.09.24] Homayoun Sabetara's appeal trial finally came to an end this afternoon. The judges recognised that Mr. Sabetara was on his own migration route when he got arrested by the Greek authorities and therefore reduced his sentence from 18 years to 7 years and four months. After already spending three years in prison, Homayoun Sabetara will now be released from prison under conditions.
"I am just happy!", states his daughter Mahtab Sabetara. Homayoun Sabetara's release is a huge relieve for his children. After serveal postponements and more than three years of not being able to have adequate contact, Homayoun Sabetara's appeal trial ended with a verdict today. With his imminent release, he will finally have access to the urgent medical care he was denied during his time in prison.
"We will be satisfied with this medium result that Homayoun Sabetara will be released, given that the court does not have the courage to declare people inocent in such cases." Mr. Sabetara's lawyer Dimitris Choulis states. "But what we are convinced of is that people like Homayoun Sabetara do not belong in prison, not even for a day". As the EU has made it impossible for people seeking asylum to come to Europe through legal ways, people are forced to cross borders on dangerous routes, while risking to be criminalised for not having other options at hand.
With the pronouncement of the verdict, the judges also recoginze the lawyers' argument that Homayoun Sabetara acted neither for profit nor for base motives. "The court has acknowledged that Homayoun Sabetara has made this journey to be with his children in Berlin," Harry Ladis, Mr. Sabetara's second lawyer, summarises. Until this day, the court has not been able to find the key witness, for whom the trial got postponed in April. According to Harry Ladis, the fact that the conviction was nevertheless based on his testimony, constitutes a violation of his right to a fair trial on which the conviction could be easly challenged in a higher court.
Nevertheless, Homayoun Sabetara and his children will have a long way to go before he is finally acquitted. The journey of Homayoun Sabetara is far from ending yet. Until he does not receive a positive decision on his asylum request, he is still in danger of being forced to leave his children behind one day. The campaign #FreeHomayoun will continue raising awareness about the circumstances of thousand of people having to face the same charges as Homayoun Sabetara.